
coincidence? City of life and death and Jahn Rabe are on together(two)

Freedom is an final aim for Shawshank. He was sent into jail with a frame-up, he did not stop strugglin for escaping from jail from the first day he came to jail. His insistence, his confidence, his optimis et al, these exllent character were his original power to try to escape, which were actually the basis of his brilliant life in jail, making friends, sharing classical music, reading all kinds of books. The troulbles he fell in in prison meant little for him in comparison with happiness he achieved.
Truman was a luck guy comparison with Shawshank. His freedom unforbided was not as strict as Shawshank attained. His daily life was shown and open for all of the "life show" audience, which was controlled by backgroud operators as it seemed, however, as a vivid person, who had a quality a man should have, Truman attained the freedom and happiness he should have.
Hence, I have to say, a man have right to find the freedom and happiness he or she want to have. It is worth to overcome some troubles or make some necessary sacrifice on the road to find ownself life.
Both you and your happiness were close together simultaneously on the same way, you faster, it faster, you slower, it slow. You coexist but exist in two different locations.
It depends on you.


coincidence? City of life and death and Jahn Rabe are on together(one)

Maybe it is a coincidence. Nanking Nanking and John Rabe are on so close. Hence, I always be willing to show my feelings about these two movies to compare them, what are the differences of telling same story through different perspective? John Rabe is like a biography movie, Nanking Nanking(I consider Nanking Nanking was better than city of life and death) is a kind of documentary to some extent. We can feel strongly from both of the two films the crimes Japan's army commited in Nanking were unforgivable.


Common places between Shawshank Redemption and Truman Show(two)

"Freedom"-this is an only word when I finished seeing this two movies to generalize what the movies brought to me. However, there must be another word to have a relationship with freedom, it is restriction. Actually, freedom and restriction are the two sides of contradictory. There is no absolute freedom, for restriction equally. Both Truman and Shawshank have dream in their hearts. They overcome troubles and difficulties on their way of life with unremitting perseverance and stability. They are pure and simple.